Snow (Brandywine Valley)

Art Inspiration (4'x5') (available)Snow (Brandywine Valley)Along the creek (Brandywine Valley/Chester Creek)Chester Creek Brandywine Valley (autumn)Martha's Vineyard Barn, 16"x20" (available)* Arches, Spain 14"x11" (available)Canal, Suzshou, China 9"x12" (available)*Cape Cod (Resting) 9x12 (available)*Cousins: We have an app for that. (available)Farmers Market  22"x24" (available)Next

Snow (Brandywine Valley)
Snow (Brandywine Valley)

Currently on display at the Henry Gallery (Penn State)-Delaware Valley Art League Exhibition. 
Ast Mills, DvAL


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The Art and Writing of Barbara Rizza Mellin