(All art work is shipped matted with no frame. Sizes are approximate. )
Dry points are scribed directly into the metal plate (copper, zinc or aluminum), and them printed one at a time with ink by hand on my studio press. Sometimes, the are hand colored after with watercolor or colored pencil.
Pink magnolias drypoint SOLD (edition still available) Contact for price
Garden Series: Radishes (dry point, hand colored watercolor) Contact for price
*Hellebores hand-colored dry point Contact for price
Calla Lily dry point
*Garden Series: Tomatoes (hand-colored drypoint) Contact for price
Garden Series: Fresh beets drypoint
Garden Series: Tori's Oranges drypoint
*Garden Series: Peppers (hand-colored drypoint) Contact for price
Garden Series: *Hellebore blossoms dry-point 4"x5" Contact for price
Garden Series: Onions (dry point, hand -colored watercolor) Contact for price
High Street drypoint (sold out)
Lilacs, rotary etching and dry point on zinc plate Contact for price
Lily Vase, etching, drypoint Contact for price
*Lily vase, etching, drypoint, colored pencil Contact for price
*Winter Series: Poinsettia drypoint Contact for price
*Winter Series: Holly drypoint Contact for price
*Winter Series: Mistletoe drypoint Contact for price
Garden Series: Columbines drypoint (Sold)
Garden Series: Calla Lily drypoint ((sold)edition still available)
Nature's Valentine (Bougainvillea Twig) drypoint ((sold)edition still available) Contact for price
Hellebores-2 drypoint ((sold)edition still available) (sold out)